Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Solaris 10 RBAC

This document describes the setup of Solaris 10 roles for Coldfusion Developers. It is assumed that Apache 2.0 and Coldfusion are already setup and working on the target server. Coldfusion and Apache are also assumed to be running as user ‘webservd’. This configuration will allow developers to switch to a new account (RBAC Role) and run commands necessary to handle Apache, and Coldfusion. Commands will be run by the user specified in the preceding command prompt, i.e. “[root] # ls” – means the ls command should be run as root. Substitute user ‘mbaxter’ with the users needed for this document.

Step 1 Stop Apache and Coldfusion.

[root] # svcadm –v disable –s apache2
[root] # /etc/init.d/coldfusionmx7 stop

Step 2 Create separate Administrative Role

[root] # roleadd –g webservd –d /home/webadm –m webadm
[root] # passwd webadm
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
Passwd: password successfully changed for webadm
[root] # usermod –R webadm mbaxter

Step 3 Create authorizations for webadm.
Add the following lines to /etc/security/auth_attr file in vi

[root] # vi /etc/security/auth_attr
sunw.*:::Custom Authorizations::
sunw.grant:::Grant Custom Authorizations::
sunw.smf.manage.http/apache2:::Manage the Apache2 Service::
sunw.smf.modify.application.http/apache2:::Modify the Apache2 Application Properties::

Assign new authorizations to root user by editing /etc/user_attr
[root] # vi /etc/user_attr
root::::auths=solaris.*,solaris.grant,sunw.*,sunw.grant;profiles=Web Console Management,All;lock_after_retries=no

Step 4 Grant SMF-Specific authorizations to webadm

[root] # rolemod –A sunw.smf.manage.http/apache2,sunw.smf.modify.application.http/apache2 webadm

Step 5 Configure Apache2 with reduced privileges and required authorizations.

[root] # svccfg –s apache2

Install new properties:
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop httpd/value_authorization = astring:
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop general/action_authorization = astring:
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop general/value_authorization =
astring: sunw.smf.manage.http/apache2

Configure reduced privileges:
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop start/user = astring: webservd
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop start/group = astring: webservd
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop start/privileges = astring: basic,!proc_session,!proc_info,!file_link_any,net_privaddr
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop start/limit_privileges = astring: :default
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop start/use_profile = boolean: false
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop start/supp_groups = astring: :default
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop start/working_directory = astring: :default
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop start/project = astring: :default
svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop start/resource_pool = astring: :default
svc:/network/http:apache2> end
[root] # svcadm –v refresh apache2
Action refresh set for svc:/network/http:apache2.

Step 6 Change ownership of log files.

[root] # cd /var/apache2/logs
[root] # chown webservd:webservd access_log error_log

Step 7 Configure Pidfile and Lockfile location.

[root] # mkdir –p /var/apache2/run
[root] # chown webservd:webservd /var/apache2/run
[root] # vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
Make these changes:
LockFile /var/apache2/logs/accept.lock
PidFile /var/apache2/run/httpd.pid

Step 8 Create Coldfusion Profile by editing /etc/security/prof_attr with vi

[root] # vi /etc/security/prof_attr
Coldfusion Management:::Coldfusion Management Profile:

Step 9 Create Coldfusion executable attributes by editing /etc/security/exec_attr with vi

[root] # vi /etc/security/exec_attr
Coldfusion Management:solaris:cmd:::/etc/init.d/coldfusionmx7:uid=0

Step 10 Add Coldfusion Profile to webadm

[root] # rolemod –P “Coldfusion Management” webadm

Step 11 Change ownership of /etc/apache2 to webadm

[root] # chown –R webadm:webservd /etc/apache2

Step 12 Test configurations:

[root] # svcs –v apache2
disabled - 14:41:05 - svc:/network/http:apache2
[root] # su – webadm
[webadm] # svcadm –v enable –s apache2
[webadm] # svcs –v apache2
online - Sep_21 112 svc:/network/http:apache2
[webadm] # /etc/init.d/coldfusionmx7 start

Step 13 Add users to webadm role.

[root] # usermod –R webadm mbaxter

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